Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Liebster Award!

Hi everyone! I'm actually surprised to say that I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Emily ( gingerspicedlife )! I'm truly glad that I'm slowly becoming a part of the blogger community and I'm really excited to answer Emily's questions! 

The Rules:
  • link back to the person who nominated you
  • give 11 random facts about yourself
  • answer 11 questions from your nominator
  • nominate 11 bloggers
  • come up with 11 questions for your nominees and inform them

11 facts about me:

1) I'm from Greece, but I don't like it here and I'd rather live in England or Scotland.
2) I've had loooaaads of pets in my life (including turtles, ducks, birds, a cat and two dogs) and we now have a Maltese named Hope, who is almost 6 years old. 
3) I'm in the 10th grade at school and next year I'll be studying on the IB Diploma program of my school.
4) I'm not that good with sciences. I like to think that I have a love-hate relationship with them, because I like the fact that scientists have discovered everything that gives us the privileged lives we have, but I suck at Physics so...
5) I am very much into art. I like drawing/painting, dancing, photography and most of all I'm into directing, acting and music (I play the guitar and the ukulele and sing).
6) I'm in my first ever relationship and I've been with my boyfriend for almost 7 months as I'm writing this.
7) I've had this blog for over a month and I've loved every minute of it. 
8) I'm thinking of moving to WordPress, buuuuut I'm very reluctant about it.
9) As of now, despite how much coffee I consume, caffeine has never influenced me. Like I can drink two cups of coffee and then sleep like a baby.
10) My birthday is on May 5th (I'm turning 16 eeeek) and I love my birthdate because I was born on a Thursday, which is supposedly the fifth day of the week (according to Orthodox calendars as Sunday is God's Day and first day of the week). So, I was born on the fifth day of the week, on the fifth day of the fifth month of the year ^_^.
11) Even though, I graduate in two years, I'm still not sure what I want to do in my life. Initially, I wanted to be an actress and/or director, but everyone -including my own father- told me that I can't make money out of this job and that there are barely any people left in the movie/theatre industry. Now, even though I'd still like to work in the movie industry, I also love history, social and humanitarian studies and the publishing industry. So, I haven't made my mind on what I want to do yet.

Questions from Emily:

1) Who is your favourite fictional villain?

I'm not one to usually sympathise with villains. But my favourite is Bellatrix, because I despise her less than everyone else. 
2) If you were stranded on an island and could only take one book, what would it be?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, definitely ^_^
3) What is your favourite genre of book and why?

Does Young Adult count as a genre? If yes, then I'm going with it :P I JUST LOVE YA, BECAUSE I'M INTO HOT GUYS AND 16 YEAR OLDS CHANGING A CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT, OKAY? FIGHT ME.
4) Do you ever listen to music whilst reading?

Omg. I am not able to listen to music while reading whatsoever, because I'm very easily distracted and sooner that you could expect, I'd start singing along the song or humming the melody and then explode into a madness of harmonies and belting.
5) Do you like non-fiction books/ (auto)biographies?

I don't think I've ever read one. But, I'd really like to read Carrie Hope Fletcher's All I Know Now, Dan and Phil's The Amazing Book is not on fire and Josh Sundquist's We Should Hang Out Sometime.
6) Where and when is your favourite place to read?

My bed while it's a hot day outside and I'm enjoying the coldness of the sheets, my garden on a calm, breezy afternoon and the beach while the ocean breeze blows on my face. Yeahhhh
7) What is a book/series that you want to read but never get around to?

8) If you could go to any one fictional universe, which would you go to?

Either the Lord of the Rings fictional universe or the Percy Jackson one. OR HARRY POTTER OMG HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THAT (after Voldemort is defeated ofc)
9) Do you crack bookspines or make sure they remain perfect?

I used to not care how my books looked. Examplé #1:

But now, I try to protect my babies any way I can. Examplé #2:

10) What is a book that other people loved but you didn’t?

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I was so excited to read this book, but in the end I didn't love it as much as I thought I would. :(
11) What are you currently reading and what is your opinion on said book?
I'm currently reading Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare and it's SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD.
me while reading Clockwork Princess

Okay, here are the questions for the nominees:

1) Who's your book boyfriend/girlfriend?

2) Book that got you into reading?

3) Favourite bookstore?

4) Cheapest and most expensive book you've ever bought?

5) Favourite reading weather?

6) First review you ever posted on your blog?

7) Do you plan out TBRs?

8) Do you have any posters from the books you've read or their movie adaptations?

9) Do you read many books at the same period of time or one at a time? 

10) Ebooks or Physical Copies?

11) Favourite book EVER?

I think that's everything! I hope the nominees like my questions. And speaking of nominees, here they are:

I hope these people don't mind me nominating them. I hope you enjoy doing this *waves*. And remember! This whole thing is about making friends in the book blogging community! So, if you want to talk to me and maybe fangirl a bit with me about books tweet me, send me a direct on Instagram or kick me at: readingmyway :)


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